Shipping & Return Policy
We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Our returns policy is
simple if you aren't happy with your purchase please return it in an
anused re-sellable condition (including any packaging and manufacturers
labels) to us within 15 days of receipt and we will give you a full
refund excluding any postage costs
When returning any item to us
for whatever reason it is your responsibility until the goods have been
delivered to us. We can not be held responsible outside of the 15 day
period or without labels as above may be subject to a restocking fee.
you are returning an item due to an error by us, we will cover the cost
to return the item (up to first class recorded level, please make a
note on the returns from you would like the postage cost refunding) and
of course there will be no cost to send out the correct item returned
outside of the 15 day period or without labels as above may be subject
to a restocking fee.
Shipping Order:
All order can be shipped
directly to your door. We take care in packaging your order and fully
insure each order. If you are visiting Our Warehouse, you can come in
and purchase a product, and we'll be happy to send the package your
order to your home or to a delivery destination address that you provide
to us.
Shipping Company We Use:
We Usually use :
please use a street address of a friend or relative to help facilitate
the delivery. So that the delivery of goods orders, can be delivered to
the destination address.
Return and Warranty Policy:
return policy is based on the simple principle of servicing our
customers. We enjoy an extremely low rate of return due to upfront
service and accurate information about products before they are ordered.
you need to return an item because it is not what you ordered, contact
us and we will refund shipping charges as well. You will find we are
very easy to work with and put the customers interests first.
products are covered by the manufacturers warranty. Warranty terms
vary between manufacturers as well as products, so please refer to your
documentation for details. If you have warranty questions please feel
free to contact us. Keep all manufacturer products to help yourself
communicate with us, or them directly if the need arises. Be aware that
shipping and service charges are not covered by manufacturers warranty.